If all you want is to break into a WPA network you have everything you need already installed in WifiSlax. xzm modules for WifiSlax, there you will find TV streaming utilities like Zatoo and media players like XBMC. Luckily this can be easily done using WifiSlax package manager and downloading prebuilt software. It is unlikely that this 650MB distribution will be your main desktop without adding additional software. WifiSlax KDE comes with few packages for day to day use, mainly the Libre Office suite, The Gimp, FileZilla P2P programs and a handful of games. You can also select your prefered Linux Kernel, if you run a high end computer with more than 4GB of RAM choosing the PAE (Physical Address Extension) kernel will improve performance. WifiSlax default root password is toor, for security it should be changed typing passwd. WifiSlax comes with KDE, an eye candy graphical interface and XFCE for low resource systems and a command line only option for experts. Another available option is selecting the Linux desktop of your choice. Make sure to select “English Menu”,when you first boot the CD as the default instructions will be shown in Spanish otherwise. It can run as a live CD or installed in your laptop saving personal settings. WifiSlax is a Slackware based Linux distribution specially designed to break into wireless networks to test their security.